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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Emerging trends in milk production technologies worth investing in nowadays

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In recent years, the Vietnamese milk production and processing industry has experienced dynamic growth, offering a wide range of products for economic livelihoods and progressively meeting domestic demands while replacing imported goods. Alongside this, the milk production sector has significantly contributed to the state budget, creating employment opportunities, and gradually becoming a crucial link in […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Top wine production technologies will change the world wine industry

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Ngày nay, rượu vang là một phần không thể thiếu trong nhiều nền văn hóa trên thế giới, sự hấp dẫn của loại đồ uống này đến từ một loạt chuyển đổi tinh tế giữa các hương vị, làm say đắm biết bao nhiêu thực khách đã một lần thưởng thức. Qua đó, nhu cầu […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Industry 4.0 and the future of pharmaceutical production technology

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Công nghiệp 4.0 là xu thế tất yếu dành cho hầu hết mọi ngành nghề, hướng tới việc sử dụng công nghệ tự động hóa thông minh trong các dây chuyền sản xuất. Việc tích hợp công nghệ thông tin hiện đại, kỹ thuật sản xuất tiên tiến đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Emerging technological trends in the beverage manufacturing industry

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The beverage industry, as a whole, and the soft drink sector, in particular, play a crucial role in Vietnam’s economy. Presently, the beverage manufacturing sector is creating employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of workers across the supply chain, encompassing packaging, transportation, wholesale, and retail. However, with the participation of numerous industry giants in Vietnam, […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

The current state of semiconductor chip manufacturing technology in different countries worldwide

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In today’s world, semiconductor chips are ubiquitous, found in every smart device such as phones, computers, servers, and military applications. This highlights the significance of semiconductor chip manufacturing technology to the global economy. At present, countries worldwide are heavily investing in and developing this industry. In this article, let’s delve into the emerging global semiconductor […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

How has technology changed the automobile industry?

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Nowadays, the automobile industry is one of the main economic spearheads of the global market. And with advances in modern science and technology in recent years, the automobile industry has made significant changes, which are expected to be more explosive when combined with a series of advanced technologies such as: artificial intelligence, new materials, electric […]

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