
VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Smart factory: Solutions in the 4.0 Industry

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Smart factory: Solutions in the 4.0 Industry

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Industry 4.0 is familiar with the idea of the “smart factory”, which has enormous promise for contemporary production. Organizations are growing interested in solutions that may automate production processes, in addition, enable them to make informed decisions based on data. However, there are several difficulties in both implementation and development. These benefits and obstacles of construction, as […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Big Data opens a new era for the manufacturing industry

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The way manufacturing firms function nowadays has changed significantly more and more as a result of Big Data. Corporations thus may optimize manufacturing processes, raise product quality, boost productivity, and save costs with the assistance of this technology in term of Information measurement. Additionally, Big Data seems to usage allows businesses in understanding consumer demands […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Digital transformation initiatives in the industry 4.0 manufacturing era

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The rapid development of technology and the digital revolution have altered how production is carried out. More deeply, recent innovations in Manufacturing 4.0 will assist companies in faster leveraging the potential of the digital era to boost production efficiency and competitiveness. Let’s investigate the cutting-edge responses to the digital transformation initiatives in manufacturing better in the article below. […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

How is artificial intelligence technology applied in production?

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Artificial intelligence application is an undeniable trend in the manufacturing sector. AI application enterprises can not only increase production efficiency but also minimize operational costs. At VME 2023, manufacturing enterprises can learn and exchange with artificial intelligence experts to find the most suitable solutions for their production. The combination of Artificial Intelligence and VME 2023 […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

What are the benefits of attending business networking events and conferences?

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The article introduces corporate conference and business matchmaking, thus giving readers an overview of VME 2023 activities and the importance of participating in business events for business matching. 1. What is a corporation conference and business matchmaking? 1.1. What is a business conference and business matchmaking? Corporate conference and business matchmaking is an event often […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Strategic tactics for building and managing supply chains flexibly.

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One of the key elements in enhancing an enterprise’s production and operational efficiency is building a more adaptable supply chain management strategy. For more evaluation, its impact on production and business in the logistic industry, supply chain hazards, and the risk-control solution techniques thus shall all be addressed in this article. 1. What is a […]

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