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The role of waste recycling technology in circular supply chain applications

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Circular supply chains are becoming a new development trend in the business industry today. With many benefits such as increasing profits, protecting the environment and creating jobs, businesses are looking for ways to apply this model for sustainable economic development. However, in order to bring about optimal efficiency, it is necessary to apply waste treatment technologies […]

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Thông tin chuyên ngành

Những phương pháp tái chế rác thải tiên tiến nhất 2024

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Với sự gia tăng dân số và sự phát triển của các hoạt động sản xuất, lượng rác thải được tạo ra cũng tăng lên đáng kể. Điều này đòi hỏi chúng ta phải tìm kiếm cách tái chế rác thải hiệu quả, để giảm thiểu tác động tiêu cực của chúng đến môi trường […]

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WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

What is Inorganic Waste? Classification and Treatment of Inorganic Waste

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Inorganic waste is always present around us; it is one of the most common types of waste and can significantly impact the environment if not handled correctly. In this article, RX Tradex Vietnam explores what inorganic waste is, the types of inorganic waste, and how to properly handle it. 1. What is Inorganic Waste? Unlike […]

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Thông tin chuyên ngành

The role of waste management policies and decrees

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The issue of waste management over the years has always received special attention, especially for the manufacturing business community. After the shocking incident of Formosa 2016, this issue received even more attention. Each manufacturing enterprise needs to enhance the role of waste management policies and regulations to protect a clean living environment for the community, especially […]

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Thông tin chuyên ngành

Waste treatment technology and a new step in recycling technology

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Although the amount of waste in Vietnam is at the “top” of the world, waste treatment technology has not been paid enough attention. Thus, how is solid waste treatment, industrial waste treatment, microbiological preparation systems for organic waste treatment in advanced countries in the world being interested and developed? Let’s explore this global issue in the article below. 1. Employing waste treatment […]

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WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

How can waste be turned into renewable energy?

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Renewable energy helps solve the problem of increasing demand for all types of energy. In addition, turning waste into recycled energy is also an effective way to treat and recycle organic waste. What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is a completely clean energy source. In contrast to fossil fuels, renewable energy is generated from continuously and […]

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