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The role of waste recycling technology in circular supply chain applications

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Circular supply chains are becoming a new development trend in the business industry today. With many benefits such as increasing profits, protecting the environment and creating jobs, businesses are looking for ways to apply this model for sustainable economic development. However, in order to bring about optimal efficiency, it is necessary to apply waste treatment technologies […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Participate in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) 2023 – Exhibition on Machinery and Technology for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries

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The manufacturing industry, in particular, will face several obstacles in the near future, as evidenced by the General Statistics Office’s finding that the added value of the whole sector fell by 0.82%[1] during the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same time in the previous year. In order to deal with the aforementioned issue, […]

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Thông tin chuyên ngành

Những phương pháp tái chế rác thải tiên tiến nhất 2024

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Với sự gia tăng dân số và sự phát triển của các hoạt động sản xuất, lượng rác thải được tạo ra cũng tăng lên đáng kể. Điều này đòi hỏi chúng ta phải tìm kiếm cách tái chế rác thải hiệu quả, để giảm thiểu tác động tiêu cực của chúng đến môi trường […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Announcement of Vietnamese Manufacturing and Supporting Industries Forum 2023

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The Vietnamese Manufacturing and Supporting Industry Forum is an attractive event in the VME 2023 exhibition in the industrial sector in Vietnam, attracting the attention of many domestic and foreign businesses and experts. With the theme “Sustainable Production and Development with Automation and Digital Twins”, the VME 2023 forum promises to bring lots of potential […]

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NEV – NEPCON Vietnam

Top 10 famous electronic component factories in Vietnam

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Theo ARC Group, Việt Nam là một trong những nước xuất khẩu thiết bị điện tử hàng đầu, chiếm 1,8% tổng giá trị xuất khẩu hàng điện tử trên thế giới. Tính đến năm 2020, nước ta đã đạt vị trí thứ 10 trong bảng xếp hạng toàn cầu  [1] Để đạt được kết quả […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Learn about Additive Manufacturing

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The manufacturing industry has been disrupted by additive manufacturing (AM), also known as the additive layer manufacturing sector, in the era of current technological advances. AM has altered how we view conventional manufacturing since it allows for the creation of final things utilizing building layers made of materials. More specifically, this method has advanced the manufacturing sector […]

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