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5 Solutions to build environmentally friendly mechanical factories

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5 solutions to build environmentally friendly mechanical factories through the use of energy-saving green materials, the use of renewable energy in production, the installation of advanced dust filter systems, optimization of production processes and recycling of materials in production.

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NEV – NEPCON Vietnam

Top leading 10 electronic components manufacturing companies

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Ngày nay, linh kiện điện tử đóng vai trò vô cùng quan trọng, được xem như nền tảng cho nhiều lĩnh vực công nghệ cao như: Sản xuất điện thoại thông minh, laptop, hàng không vũ trụ,… với hầu hết các thiết bị, máy móc đều được cấu thành bởi sự kết hợp của nhiều […]

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Thông tin chuyên ngành

Waste treatment technology and a new step in recycling technology

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Although the amount of waste in Vietnam is at the “top” of the world, waste treatment technology has not been paid enough attention. Thus, how is solid waste treatment, industrial waste treatment, microbiological preparation systems for organic waste treatment in advanced countries in the world being interested and developed? Let’s explore this global issue in the article below. 1. Employing waste treatment […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Network security in the manufacturing sector

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In the modern industrial industry, cyberinformation safeguarding has come into play as significant challenges. The fourth industrial revolution in manufacturing besides also tends to be expanding cybersecurity challenges, requiring businesses to be timely aware of as well as conducting a strong preparation. Thus, it is extremely essential to develop top-notch and cutting-edge network security solutions in order to better guarantee the sustainability of the manufacturing process. […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

VME Factory Visit Trip 2023 – Discover Manufacturing Innovation sector in North Vietnam

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The manufacturing industry is not exempt from the effects of technology, which is now undergoing rapid development across practically all industries. To increase efficiency and compete in the market, businesses must adopt the most recent technical advances. The 2023 Factory Visit Trip promises to be a beneficial program to participate in to explore and learn more […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

The importance of customer – centric strategy in production

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In today’s fiercely competitive business environment, retaining loyal customers and attracting new ones is becoming one of the top priorities for companies. To achieve this goal, focusing on customers and leveraging the function of client-oriented factors of the business model is an extremely important and effective strategy. So, what is the concept of customer-centricity and why is it […]

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